Thursday, July 18 at 6 pm (Sao Paulo, Brazil time), 4 pm Costa Rica (GMT-6)
To register, email by noon on July 16, 2024.
Duration: 1:30 hrs
Between 1960 and 2000, an important division was established between the criticism that was articulated in universities and that developed by laypeople and professionals in the journalistic media and other dissemination channels. This collaborative webinar between the national sections coordinated by AICA Regional Latin America and the Caribbean involves a thorough examination of the critical models with which art is thought in the different regions included, as well as making visible the critics who have been pioneers of metatheories. such as the integrationist cultural identity that sought to define Latin American art and those who later in postmodernism became detractors in favor of a more international art to finally review its role in contemporary times. In addition, it represents a critical look at the indicated period of modern and contemporary art.
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