Congresso AICA Internacional abrirá inscrições

As inscrições para o Congresso serão abertas no próximo dia 01 de setembro de 2022.

Prazo para inscrições: 31 de outubro de 2022

O link para inscrições será publicado no site da AICA no dia primeiro de setembro:



The AACA – Argentinean Association of Art Critics, AICA Argentina, and the Chilean Association of Art Critics, AICA Chile, with the cooperation of AICA International are jointly organizing the 54th AICA International Congress, which will be held in the cities of Valparaíso and Buenos Aires between 13 – 19 November. The Congress will be held in person and online.

The Congress will be held in Spanish and English with the theme What Are We Talking About When We Talk About Art Criticism in the 21st Century?

As a symbolic expression of social concerns, today’s art calls for us to reflect on the times in which we live, which have been marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, raising questions not only in the domain of health, but everywhere in the world where it has wreaked havoc, by exacerbating existing inequalities and deep-seated problems affecting the most fragile societies. This combination of factors has cut off societies and thrown communities into isolation, creating a powerful impact on institutional agendas, starkly exposing the digital divide and provoking new challenges in the art world, while manifestations of discontent have spilled over into the street in some countries and have generated actions and public practices that have shifted towards the expressive/symbolic sphere usually reserved for art practice. The military conflict in Europe comes on top of the situation created by the pandemic. The Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24 reactivates concerns over nuclear weapons and raises the spectre of a third world war. The horrors of warfare become visible, over and above the toll of death and destruction, in the drama of millions of refugees fleeing from the conflict zone.

This context makes it indispensable for us to reflect, revise and discuss current problematics in the fields of criticism and curating. Multiple perspectives and a range of ambiguities open up in the fields of art and criticism. For example, feminist critique of the nature of relationships of power and knowledge has revealed different types of exclusion that persist in the art world, particularly in the areas of gender, ethnicity and class. In this sense, the contemporary arts have expanded and defied both theory and criticism, by proposing problematics linked, for example, to discrimination, invisibility and gender stereotypes. As a result, cultural theorists face the challenge of analyzing creations mediated by identity constructions that question the art system and the discourse that regulates it. The processes of de-naturalizing sexuality have broadened the boundaries of criticism and curating by being subjected to interrogation by queer and feminist works that aim to subvert established discourse.


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